The Maids
Director: Naemi Freidmann / with: Tillmann/Teschemacher/Schäfer-Kubelka
Drama and puppet show for adults and children aged 15 and over. 50min in German, subtitles possible
Claire and Solange. Sisters, maids, employees of a despotic mistress. They scrub, mop, polish and beguile their mistress's furniture and ego in equal measure - until they decide to get rid of their mistress once and for all with a poisoned tea... Who is actually trapped in a seemingly hopeless situation of dependencies and grievances? Does the gracious mistress exist without her servants? And who is her true right hand and what is going through her head? A surreal (puppet) game within a game within a game begins and “just a small movement of your hand would be enough and you would cease to exist.”
Die Zofen
... these are: Naemi Friedmann, Sven Tillmann, Maximilian Teschemacher and Almut Schäfer-Kubelka. They met at a joint workshop for puppetry and directing students under the direction of Markus Joss at the HfS Ernst Busch.
What began as a scene study program led to a long journey: Since 2022, “The Grande Dame” has been chasing her maids across the stages of festivals and (puppet-)theaters.
Text: Jean Genet
Puppet construction: Melanie Sowa
Director: Naemi Friedmann
Performing: Maximilian Teschemacher, Sven Tillmann, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka
Outside Eye: Markus Joss
Photos: Justyna Żądło
Past guest performances
Potsdam / T-Werk / RADAR Festival / 2024
Berlin / Deutsches Theater / Puppen Special / 2024
Göttingen / Deutsches Theater / Gastspiel / 2023
Leipzig / Westflügel / About Damn Time Festival / 2023
Bochum / Fritz Wortelmann Festival / 2023
Krefeld / Budenzauber Festival / 2023
Neusiedl am See / PannOpticum Festival / 2023
Hamburg / Thalia Theater / Körber Festival für Junge Regie / 2023
Breslau / Metaformy Festival / 2022
Gotha / Art der Stadt / Gastspiel / 2022